Welcome to Norfolk Air Rifle Club. We are a friendly club and shoot an HFT style course on Sunday mornings (Please see the calendar page for the dates that we are shooting). We set out a different 20 lane course on our grounds each week with 2 shots taken at each lane. The plinking and zero ranges are open from 8am and the main course is open from 9:00am. The course and zero range close at 12 noon. Whether you are already a current member or someone looking to join please take a few minutes to look around our site. We hope you find something of interest on this site, and if you are not a member of the club but would like more information please contact one of the Proprietors Andy, Anthony or Keith.
Our home is in Bylaugh Wood along the B1147, 5 minutes drive north of Dereham. We meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am and usually finish by 12 noon. We do not shoot on the last Sunday of every month - see Shooting Calendar for other significant dates.
Norfolk Air Rifle Club is based at a lovely wooded area 5 minutes drive from Dereham. It is located in Swanton Morley along the B1147 to the North of Dereham on the East side of Bylaugh Wood. Take the B1147 out of Dereham (nearest postcode is NR20 4RH). Look for our sign on the right-hand side. Turn here and follow the gravel track to our facility located in beautiful woodland.
What Three Words Location:
Andy England 07522 560901
Email: info@norfolkairrifle.club