Welcome to Norfolk Air Rifle Club. We are a friendly club and shoot an HFT style course on Sunday mornings (Please see the calendar page for the dates that we are shooting). We set out a different 20 lane course on our grounds each week with 2 shots taken at each lane. The plinking and zero ranges are open from 8:30 am and the main course is open from 9 am. Whether you are already a current member or someone looking to join please take a few minutes to look around our site, if you have any questions please email us at info@norfolkairrifle.club and will be more than happy to assist you
The Next Sunday Shoot is on the 16th February
The Zero Range will be open from 8:00 am.
For Sunday Shoots the course will be open from 9 am with a safety briefings being held before the course opens. The course will close at 11:45am
The Shoots in February are on the 2nd, 9th & 16th February